Author: tur

  • Local time and Differences in Turkey

    Local time:
    GMT+3 hours (April-September) GMT+2 hours (October-March)

    Time Differences:
    Argentina -5, France -1, Netherlands -1, Australia +8, Germany -1, Saudi Arabia+1, Austria -1, Greece 0, Sweden -1, Egypt 0, Italy -1, Switzerland -1, England -2, Japan +7, Spain -1, USA -7 (EST) -10 (WEST)
    * These time differences are for the period October-March; however, they may show variances according to each country’s own time-saving adjustments.

  • Tipping in Turkey

    At various establishments like hotels, restaurants, Turkish baths, barbers and hairdressers, tipping at a rate of 5%-15% of the total is common. Taxi and “dolmus” drivers on the other hand, do not expect tips or even rounded fares.