Category Archives: Culture and Mythology

Culture and Mythology in Turkey

Spells in Turkey

The spell can briefly be defined as the belief that nature may be affected by using supernatural powers. The first human communities took their conceptions of supernatural power from nature itself. Man possessed little infornmed knowledge of nature, even as regards the simplest subjects, and considered nature a terrifying power, which people could experience in every field of life. Eventually that power became isolated from the concept of nature itself and took on an entirely different identity. The first human beings believed that protection from this power and all its manifestations was necessary, and began conceiving of these matters as taboos.

It was believed that if a person broke a taboo, the only way he could survive was be employing a magical spell. In the first examples of spells, we find ourselves dealing with the concept of using supernatural forces to get rid of other supernatural forces. In this framework of thinking, the parts all add up to a whole, and things done to the whole also affect the component parts. This understanding is the source of the analogical spell. That is why people believe if they cast a spell on an object that belongs to someone else, that person will also be affected by the spell, or they believe that if they pour water on the ground, it will rain.

Some people believe that if an effigy is made of the person whose death is desired is made and that effigy is tortured, that will affect the person it represents in exactly the same way. This idea eventually leads to the individual being identified with the symbol. That is why the ancient Turks never referred to the wolf by its proper name, “kurt,” but used other names such as “bocu”, “boru”, “canavar”. Similar to this belief, in some parts of Anatolia people still draw circles around the places they live and accompany this with prayers, in the belief that the circle will act as a wall to protect them from wild animals.

There are different kinds of spell, which are generally divided into black and white. While white spells aim to produce beneficial results, black spells are used for evil purposes. In Turkey, spells are generally used to make a man more attached to his family or to moderate his behaviour in some way, to make someone love, to find an object which has been lost, to defeat the enemy, to create better fortune or to create a misunderstanding between two people. For instance, in order to cast a love spell, three peppers are taken, the sura Tebbet of the Koran is read out for the each seed of the peppers, although these are kept separate from one another.

After the readings have been made, the seeds are put back inside the peppers and buried in ashes. The person casting the spell hits the right wall of the house and says: Although many spells involve reading extracts from the Koran, magic is actually definitively prohibited in Islam. Spells generally frighten people, no matter whether used good or bad purposes. For this reason there are a number of means by which one can protect oneself from spells cast by someone else. These include performing ritual ablutions with water from a mill, jumping over rivers, or casting a counter-spell.

Turkish Proverbs

Oral tradition continues with proverbs. Considering daily life, proverbs embody the deepest feelings and beliefs of the Turkish people. They reveal a nation’s character in its finest details.

Below are some typical Turkish proverbs

– Stretch your legs to the length of your blanket. (Know your limits)
– Water priority to the youngsters, talking priority to the elders.
– Who handles honey has the chance to lick his fingers.
– When a bald man dies, everybody remembers “what golden hair he had”; when a blind man dies, they say “what beautiful eyes he had”.
– Two tightrope walkers cannot perform on the same tightrope.
– A vinegar seller with a smiling face makes more money than a honey seller with a sour face.
– The hunter may be hunted.
– You reap whatever you sow.
– A tree is bent while yet it is young.
– If God wants to make a poor man happy he first makes him lose his donkey and then allows him to find it again.
– There is nothing more expensive than what is bought cheaply and there is nothing cheaper than what is bought expensively

The Turkish Culture

The liveliness of the Turkish culture is so rich that it cannot be fit into a single definition. It is influenced by the ancient history of Anatolia, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe, and certainly by the Aegean culture. Throughout history, Anatolia, like Istanbul, has hosted and produced many centers of culture and the legacy of various civilizations attests to that fact. Today, this heritage also determines the cultural life of Turkey. The culture of tolerance for all religions and languages living together in peace, spread from Istanbul (which was the capital of empires) to Anatolia. This tradition of tolerance is one of the most important inheritances that Turkey can share with the world.

Even though the entire world has been transformed between 1923 and 2007, Turkey has truly come a very long way. A traditional society had been turned into a modern urban society in which most people now live in metropolitan centers.

A shattered economy, based almost entirely on agriculture, has become a competitive industrial power, including partnership in a Customs Union with the rest of Europe. Most striking of all, where there was once a sultanate, there is now a multi-party democracy in a country firmly attached to republican institutions and representative government.

The Ottoman sui generis (“multi-cultural and multi-religious”, “cosmopolite co-habitation” system’s legacy) has been transformed into the modern Republic’s secular system. Christian churches, Assyrian monasteries, the Jewish community and many different minorities are living in the harmony with the Muslim majority. There is a certain sense that these things are not appreciated outside the country and that Turkey’s qualities and achievements have not been given their due recognition. For this reason, the ordinary Turkish people are proud when their country achieves success on the sporting field, as it did during the 2002 World Cup, or in music or other areas of life.

The acropolis of Assos, one of the best preserved and well investigated necropolis of Asia Minor

The acropolis of Assos, Behramkale is 238 meters above sea level and the Temple of Athena was constructed on this site in the 6th century B.C. This Doric temple is being restored to its former glory and role as guardian of the Biga Peninsula and Edremit Gulf. Linger to see the moonlight scattered through the temple ruins, or rise early for the gentle awakening of dawn over the acropolis, from the top of which you can take in the magnificent vista of the Gulf of Edremit; and you will appreciate why this heavenly location was chosen. On the terraces descending to the sea are agoras, a gymnasium and a theatre.
From the northern corner of the acropolis, you can see a mosque, a bridge and fortress, all built in the l4th century by the Ottoman Sultan Murat I. Below lies a tiny and idyllic ancient harbor. Assos has gained the reputation of being the center of the Turkish art community with its lively, friendly and bohemian atmosphere. This may be the holiday you will remember for years to come. 25 km west of Behramkale, in the village of Gulpinar is the ancient city of Chryse where the 2nd century B.C: temple of Apollon Smintheus is located.