Category: Superstitions

Superstitions in Turkey

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to Parts of the Body

    – When a tooth is extracted, it either has to be buried or hideden in a place that nobody can find.
    – Joining one’s hands on one’s knees and crossing the fingers of one’s hands are considered signs of bad fortune, so one must try not to do so.
    – Cracking one’s knuckles is a sign of good health.
    – When washing one’s hands, one must start with the right hand, otherwise he may have bad luck.
    – When shaking hands or giving something to someone, the right hand must be used. The left hand is considered a sign of bad luck.
    – One must not face in the direction of Mecca when putting one’s socks on.
    – One must start with the right foot when putting on one’s socks.
    – When someone has an itchy nose, it means people are gossiping about him.
    – If one’s right hand itches, it is a sign that money is on the way. If the left hand itches, it is believed that money will be spent.
    – The nails are not cut at night.
    – Chewing gum is not allowed at night. People think it is not gum but the flesh of a dead body that is being chewed.
    – It is believed that anyone who has an itch on his feet will go on holiday.
    – Agate stops bleeding and brings good fortune.
    – If an infant walks between two people who have not performed a ritual ablution, it is believed that the child will have open sores on his body.
    – Hearing echoes in the left ear is a sign of prosperity.
    – Hearing echoes in the right ear is a sign of good health.
    – A twitch in the eye is considered a bad sign, as people believe that it is the messenger of death.
    – When someone has echoes in the ear, it is believed that he or she has been remembered by a person living abroad.
    – Putting one leg over the other when sitting is viewed as sinful.
    – If a person loses a tooth from the upper side of the jaw, it is believed that he or she will lose one of his parents.
    – If a person loses his top-right molar, it is believed that he will lose either his older brother or his uncle.
    – If a person loses his top-left molar, it is believed that he will lose either his brother or his child.
    – An itch in the hand means money is on the way.
    – If someone steps on hair that has been cut, the owner of the hair will have a headache.
    – If birds take the hair away, the owner of the hair will have a headache.
    Beliefs Related to Celestial Bodies:
    – People, who bath under the moonlight and in shadow, will shine as bright as the moon.
    – Water on which the moonlight has been reflected may not br drunk, since it is believed that anyone who drinks that water have bad luck.
    – Someone dies when a shooting star is seen.
    – Babies born on the full moon are considered lucky, and it is believed that these babies will have a bright destiny.
    – Girls born on the full moon are very beautiful with shining skin when they grow up.
    – Cursing and spitting at the moon are considered unlucky.
    – Sleeping while sun is going down may shorten one’s life span.
    – Working in the fields during the solstice is not allowed.
    – Animals sense the coming of a solar eclipse and express it with fear and screaming.
    – The sun shines on the beautiful.
    – Fruits that have been seeded during the old moon, bring abundance to the fields.
    – When the moon is in crescent position, if it points to the earth, the month will be rainy, if they point to the sky, the month will be be dry.
    – If someone loses his child as the sun goes down, he must not drink water.
    – Sowing and harvesting activities are not allowed before the new moon.
    – Trees are not cut down when there is no moon.
    – Teeth are not extracted on days when there is no moon.
    – It is not permitteded to go to or come back from the high plateaus or to go to the forest when there is no moon.
    – Anyone who eats as the sun goes down will have bad luck.
    – It is believed that all the saints come together when there is a shooting star.
    Beliefs Related to Birth and Forty Days:
    – A woman may not go far from her house until 40 days after childbirth.
    – She may not go out of her house at night.
    – Koran, amulets, knives and black cumin are placed by the head of a baby for 40 days.
    – Matches and brooms are placed in the room where a woman who has had a baby within the last 40 days sleeps.
    – Such a woman is not left alone in the house at night.
    – After the 40th day, the woman visits her three neighbors first before going any distance away from her house.
    – Women and their babies are not allowed to see each other for 40 days.
    – Visitors to women within 40 days of childbirth give coins or money in order to protect baby.
    – Cats and dogs are not allowed inside the room where there is a baby younger than 40 days; otherwise the skin of the baby turns red.
    – Menstruating women are not allowed to see a deer in menstruation, as deer give birth once in seven years, it is assumed that the woman, too, will not have a child for seven years.
    – If a baby younger than 40 days has to be left alone in the house, a knife, onion and garlic are put near him.
    – People carrying gold or money are not allowed to see such a baby. If they do, gold and money are placed near the baby for a while.
    – When a woman visits a house within 40 days of giving birth, she pours out water with myrtle leaves before entering the house.
    – If a bridal procession passes in front of the house of such a woman, it is believed that that bride will not have a baby.
    – Flour from the mill is not brought to the house of such a woman.
    – Lambs are not shown to anyone unless aged over 40 days.
    – A candle is lit at the head end of the bed of a woman who gave birth less than 40 days ago.
    – Two such women exchange needles in order to bring the period to an end.

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to Events in the Atmosphere

    – People throw a knife into the garden to stop it hailing. – When a skull is taken out of the grave and boiled in water, it rains.
    – During the devil’s wedding ceremony (rain in April) anyone standing in the rain will be taken away by genies.
    – Rain in April is something like holy water, it is lucky. Getting wet in the April rain brings good health.
    – Biting iron while there’s thunder brings good luck.
    – Female creatures turns into male and male into female if they walk under a rainbow.
    – Eating a few haildrops at the first hailstorm of the year is considered good for the health.
    – A knife is thrown onto the roof of the house when there is thunder.
    – It is believed that putting a trivet in the garden may stop hail.
    – A knife is thrust into the ground when lightning flashes in the sky.
    Popular Beliefs Related to Seasons, Months and Days:
    – No one is allowed enter a house except for the residents on the first day of March. It is imagined that lambs and fawns will die otherwise.
    – If the first people seen on the first day of January look well and healthy, the year will be a healthy one, if they do not look well, someone may fall ill during the year.
    – On Tuesdays, washing clothes is not allowed. It is believed that anyone who wears clean clothes washed on Tuesday will die soon.
    – Babies born on Tuesdays will become killers.
    – No wedding ceremonies are held on Tuesdays.
    – Both throwing dust and working are forbidden on Fridays.
    – The baby conceived on Friday becomes wise.
    – Washing clothes is not allowed on Saturdays.
    – If a baby is born late in Friday night, it will grow rich. – If a person knits on Fridays, she will lose her good luck.
    – If a person cuts his nails on Friday night, he will fall out of favor.
    – Anyone who enters a field on 7th August will be paralyzed.
    – Quilts are not covered with sheets on Saturdays, as it is believed that quilts which are covered on Saturdays are waiting for dead bodies.
    – Fields are not sowed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. – On Fridays, trees are not cut down until Friday prayers
    – No sowing is done on Fridays.
    – Any job started on Monday goes slowly.

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to Roads and Travelling

    – Anyone who spits while taking a trip will meet with a catastrophe.
    – Turning and looking back on the road is considered unlucky.
    – It is unlucky to sleep where three roads meet.
    – If someone drops a spoon from his or her hand, it is believed that a visitor may come.
    – If someone drops food in his house, it is believed that a hungry visitor will come.
    – If a man goes hunting, his wife throws a broom after him.
    – A man going hunting is never asked where he is going. If anyone does ask him, he has to give up the hunting trip.
    – If one shoe ends up standing on the other, it is believed that the owner of the shoes will take a vacation.
    – Sleeping near the roads is not approved. Such people are told “You will fly with the wind” (meaning, you will be paralyzed by the devil).
    – In order not to damage the prospects of the hunt, people do not talk with huntsmen while they are getting ready.
    – Before going to hunting, a rifle is put on the ground. A boy or a girl who is at least three or four years old jumps over it.

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to Darkness and Light

    – If an onion is eaten in the evening, angels will not visit the place where it happened.
    – Looking in the mirror in the evening shortens one’s life.
    – Peppery things like pepper, onion or garlic are not given out of the house at night.
    – Milk, yogurt and cheese are not given away at night, if necessary, these are covered or coal and green leaves are put on them.
    – It ıs a sin to whistle at night.
    – Salt is not given out of the house at night.
    – The front door is not cleaned at night.
    – Bread baskets are not given from one house to another.
    – If children play knucklebones it is believed that an enemy will come.
    Popular Beliefs Related to Abundance:
    – A man who eats the first bread made from the first flour from the mill will lose his wife.
    – A house wıll suffer a declıne in prosperity if yeast is given to other houses.
    – The house will suffer a decline in prosperity if someone steps on or drops breadcrumbs.
    – A piece of bread is taken out of the mouth of anyone going abroad.
    – Sewing things while people are still wearing them brings bad luck.
    – Cutting bread with a knife damages the prosperity of the house.
    – If someone starts eating without calling on God, he will still be hungry after the meal because he has shared his food with the devil.
    – When knitting socks, one must start from the top, otherwise they will not last long.
    – If someone breaks his scapula, it is believed that he will have good fortune.
    Popular Beliefs Related to the House:
    – It is considered inappropriate to put black stone on the groundwork of the house.
    – Anyone who sits by the front door will be slandered. – It is not good to sleep near the wall, as the person who does so may end up paralyzed.
    – The devil visits a dirty house, so that house will be full of discord instead of happiness.
    – If a member of the household goes abroad, either the house is not cleaned, or else no visitors are received on that day.
    – People do not visit their neighbors with the rope that helps carry goods, since it is believed that this rope may bring bad luck to the house visited.
    – People are advised not to sit by their front door, lest they give the impression they are poor.
    – One should not enter one’s neighbor’s house carrying a rope because this may disturb the prosperity of the house.
    – One should not sit at the threshold of one’s house, as that is where the devil sits.
    – It’s a sin to sit at one’s threshold when it is raining.

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to the Sexes

    – If a man turns the lights on in a room, that household will enjoy plenty.
    – If a woman slows a man down on the road, it is assumed that bad luck will ensue.
    – If a woman passes through between two men, it is believed that she will never have a baby.
    – If a man passes through between two women, his words will not be listened to.
    – If a man passes through between two girls, he will have a very sparse beard.
    – If a woman drinks half glass of tea, she will lose her husband.
    – If a woman passes in front of a huntsman on the road, the hunt will not be successful.
    – If the first hair of a baby girl is cut by her uncle (mother’s brother), her hair will be abundant.
    – The first hair of a baby boy must be cut by his uncle. – Girls who marry and go to their new houses leave their parents’ houses on Thursday or Sunday.
    – During the ram mating ceremony, if a girl is put on the ram, it is believed that the lambs born of it will be female, if a boy is put on, the lambs will be male.