The best time for touring is April – May and September – October, when the day temperatures are most comfortable and the least amount of rain falls. For the beach worshipper, June – September is best. While the coastal areas enjoy milder climates, the inland Anatolian plateau experiences extremes of hot summers and cold winters with limited rainfall.
Category: Tour
What types of tours do tour operators offer?
Tour operators listed in our Travel Directory, are Turkey specialists – they have extensive knowledge and experience in Turkish tourism. Some exclusively offer trips to Turkey. Others offer trips to Turkey in combination with other countries, such as Greece and Italy. The companies listed in the Travel Directory can provide a wide range of services including package tours, air ticketing, rental car reservations, hotel reservations, day tours, customized itineraries, guides, and more.
Many companies specialize in different areas of Turkish travel and tourism. Almost all tours include western Turkey and focus on historical and archeological sites. However, some tour operators also offer tours of the Black Sea region and eastern and southeastern Turkey. There are also special-interest tours such as golf tours, photography tours, culinary tours, trekking tours and more.
Most Fluent Turkish Phrases in English
Most of the Turks You Will Meet – Crew Members, Hotel & Restaurant Staff, Shop – Keepers Will Speak At Least Some English, and Many Will Be Fluent.
English Turkish Hello Merhaba How are you? Nasilsiniz? I am fine Ben iyiyim Yes Evet No Hayir
Thank you Tesekkur Ederim
Please Lutfen
Excuse Me Affedersiniz
When? Ne Zaman?
How? Nasil?
Why Nicin? What? Ne? Who? Kim? Good Iyi Bad Kotu Very Cok Do you speak English? Ingilizce biliyormusunuz?
I don’t understand Anlamadim I understand Anliyorum/Anladim I want Istiyorum A double room Cift yatakli bir oda A single room Tek yatakli bir oda What is a room rate per night? Bir gecelik oda ne kadar? Cheap Ucuz Expensive [very expensive] Pahali [cok pahali] Where is the nearest bank? En yakin banka nerededir? Can you exchange my traveller’s check, please? Seyahat cekimi bozabilirmisiniz, lutfen? How long will it take? Ne kadar surer? Give me the check, please Hesabi verirmisiniz Where is the rest-room? Tuvalet nerede?
Call a doctor Doktor cagirin
Call the police Polis cagirin
It is an emergency Cok acil
New Friends Yeni Arkadas
What’s your name? Adiniz ne?
My name is… Benim adim…
Where are you from? Nerelisiniz?
Are you alone? Yalniz misiniz?
Are you married? Evli misiniz?
Where’s your hotel? Oteliniz nerede?
What kind of music do you like? Ne tur muzik seversiniz?
What do you like doing? Nelerden hoshlanirsiniz?
Nice to meet you: Memnun oldum
Would you like an icecream? Dondurma ister misiniz?
No thanks hayir, tesekurler
What are you studying? Ne okuyorsun?
Let’s go and dance! Hadi, dans edelim
Your eyes are beautiful Gozlerin cok guzel
You dance so well Mukemmel dans ediyorsun
I feel so close to you: Kendimi sana yakin hissediyorum
I love you Seni seviyorum
I love you too Ben de seni seviyorum.
Don’t do that Yapma!
No, not tonight Bu aksam olmaz
Shopping Alisveris
Do you take credit cards? Kredi karti kabul ediyor musunuz?
I’m just looking Yalniz bakiyorum
That’s too expensive cok Pahali
What’s Your Best Price? Son Fiyatiniz ne?
Can I try this on? Bunu deneyebilirmiyim?
A larger / smaller size Daha buyuk / kucuk beden
I don’t understand Anlamiyorum
I don’t know Bilmiyorum
Sunday Pazar
Monday Pazartesi
Tuesday Sali
Wednesday Carsamba
Thursday Persembe
Friday Cuma
Saturday Cumartesi
How much is this? Bunun fiyati ne kadar?
Goodbye Hosca Kalin