Gurcuoluk Cave, Amasra Bartin

Location: Bartin, Amasra District
The cave is located at the Ovacik quarter of Karakacak village in Amasra district 32 km. away from Bartin. Following the road turning to south at cakraz – Bozkoy road, a walk of 3 – 4 km inside the forest and on a track is necessary after passing the Konuklar quarter of Karakacak village.

Properties: Gurcuoluk Cave is composed of approximately 15 – 20 chambers surrounding an inclined middle chamber having dimensions of 2 – 3 meters height, 3 – 4 meters width ve4 – 5 meters length after a main entrance in the shape of a triangle.

The first chamber is approximately at the size of 6 x 7 meters and is a colorful world of stalagmite and stalactite. The various sized chambers at east, north and northeast are also adorned with stalagmite and stalactites. Passing to another chamber at the upper level from these chambers is possible, and from another chamber reaching to the ground level via a passage in which only a human can fit is also possible. The temperature inside the cave is relatively cold and as the amount of carbon dioxide is high, respiratory problems could be encountered. This property of the cave makes it one of the possible caves for curing asthma.


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