Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to Roads and Travelling

– Anyone who spits while taking a trip will meet with a catastrophe.
– Turning and looking back on the road is considered unlucky.
– It is unlucky to sleep where three roads meet.
– If someone drops a spoon from his or her hand, it is believed that a visitor may come.
– If someone drops food in his house, it is believed that a hungry visitor will come.
– If a man goes hunting, his wife throws a broom after him.
– A man going hunting is never asked where he is going. If anyone does ask him, he has to give up the hunting trip.
– If one shoe ends up standing on the other, it is believed that the owner of the shoes will take a vacation.
– Sleeping near the roads is not approved. Such people are told “You will fly with the wind” (meaning, you will be paralyzed by the devil).
– In order not to damage the prospects of the hunt, people do not talk with huntsmen while they are getting ready.
– Before going to hunting, a rifle is put on the ground. A boy or a girl who is at least three or four years old jumps over it.


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