Sarpunalinca Cave,Kastamonu

Location: Kastamonu, Kure District
The cave is located at the senlik village Sarpunalinca quarter of Devrekani, Kure. The cave is reached via Kure – Sarpunalinca forest road.

Properties: The cave is totally horizontal and is an active cave. The cave is 662 meters long and drains the water collected in the Sarpunalinca region. The waters advances among a single crack between the rock blocks and is released as a spring by a small siphon of 3.5 meters at the exit. The cave is not rich on the basis of formation. The mouth of the entrance and the spring outlet mouth has a very beautiful nature. As the cave mouth is covered with grassland, camping is comfortable. The peppermint field laying between the cave entrance and siphon grants another piece of joy to the trip.