Sarikaya Cave,Mihaliccik Eskisehir

Location: Eskisehir, Mihaliccik District, Yalinkaya Village
Following the branch of Eskisehir Mihaliccik road in the direction of Buyuduz – Sasa – Yalinkaya, Yalimkaya village is reached. To reach the cave, an hour of walking inside the deep canyon of Domya creek from Yalinkaya is necessary.
Properties: The total length of the cave is 665 meters and it has two main entrances. The cave is formed of three layers connected to each other. The floor of the cave contains sand, pebbles and rubbles and because of the humidity of the lower layer, there are numerous damlatas formations.

These damlatas are at the shapes of stalactite, stalagmite, pillar, wall and drapery damlatasi and their formation is still in process. The damlatas pools are mostly in colors of black and brown. The upper layers contains fossils. These layers are poor of damlatas. The atmosphere of the cave is cold and moistured. The upper layer has a temperature of 13ºC, 80 percent humidity, the lower layer has temperature of 10ºC ve90 percent humidity. The cave contains Flintstones chipping, ceramic and brick pieces and human bones displaying that this cave was in use at the prehistoric and historic periods.