Yelinustu Cave,Gunyuzu Eskisehir

Location: Eskisehir, Gunyuzu District, Kayakent Sub district
The cave is located at the southeast part of the Sivrihisar Mountain extending between the Sivrihisar – Gunyuzu road and Sakarya river. Reaching to the Kayakent sub district is possible via Ankara – Eskisehir or Ankara – Polatli – Yunak highways. The cave is close to the Kayakent Subdistrict.

Properties: The total length of the cave is 420 meters and the depth of the final point in respect to the cave entrance is at -90 meters. The second chamber is reached via a narrow gallery having small downward descends branching from the right side of the cave entrance. There are different damlatas formations inside the chamber covered with large blocks. This saloon gives opening into two different saloons having the same formations.

The cave is mostly dry except the periods at which water drips from the ceiling. There are cisterns and pools constructed to collect these dripping water. The average temperature inside the cave is 20ÂșC and the humidity is 70 percent. This cave displays similar properties with Yelini Cave and remains and shapes showing that this cave had been used by humans for a long time are also present in this cave.