Balatini Cave,Konya

Location: Konya, Beysehir District
The cave is located with in the borders of Camlik Village and Derebucak district in Beysehir – Konya you can arrive at the cave by stabilized way, branched from 45 km of Konya – Beysehir – Uzumlu – Manavgat. The cave is situated 5 km far from Camlik ve6 km from Derebucak. It is also 3 km northwest of Korukini and Suluin caves.

Properties: The total length of the cave is 1830 meters and has two entrances displaying the properties of sinkhole and fountain. The entrance which is closer to the road draws the water of little uvula and run down 2km south, from a cracked valley border, slope of Uzunsu river side. Balatini Cave is developed from two different levels, are an top of the other.

The fossil branch surface of upper level is completely covered with cave clay and ended with the statue Room filled with the little statues made by the visitors. The lower level is the main gallery which contains the water. You can go through the gallery by foot when the level of water decreases. The three small pool, can be, passed by transition technique or by boat. The Statue Room and the natural rock sculptures are worth to be seen.