Dim (Gavurini) Cave, Alanya Turkey

Location: Antalya, Alanya District
The cave is located at the locality of Kuzkaya village. It is at the west slope of the Cebireis mountain (1691 m.) at the east of Alanya. Reaching the cave by walking is possible either via the Dim creek valley or via the Yaylali village at the south. To reach the cave from Yaylali village, a walk of 50 minutes following the watering channels at the skirts of the Cebireis mountain is required.

Properties: The total length of the cave is 357 meters and the cave is horizontal and dry. There is only a quiet small lake towards the end of the cave. Dim cave is one of the most beautiful caves of Turkey. It is suitable for a visit as is at the vicinity of Alanya and as the environment is covered with forests and picnic sites. Because the cave was used as a shelter by prehistoric and historic periods, the cave was called as “Gavurini Cave” by the local people.