Mut – Sartavul Highland, Mersin Turkey

Transportation: Located 36 km. out of the Mut – Karaman – Konya highway, the highland village was founded at Sartavul Pass, which links the Mediterranean to Central Anatolia.

Description: Surrounded by pine and juniper forests, the interior of the village is filled with fruit orchards, wild flowers and mountain meadows. Very popular with the residents of Mut, Silifke and Karaman, it is also used by nomadic herders as summer pasture. One of the places worth visiting is the Atahan monastery, which can be reached by turning right on a dirt road at the 21 kilometer mark on the Mut – Sartavul highway and continuing on for 1.5 km.

Wild mountain goats can be seen at The Mountain Goat Hunting and Game Preserve on nearby Kestel Mountain. The nearby Kestel (Kapuzu) Canyon makes an excellent nature excursion. The village infrastructure has been completed and there are small markets, a post office, a gas station and restaurants serving fish and meat dishes. The rural police patrol the area.

Accommodation – Food and Drink: Most basic necessities can be purchased there.