Category: Highlands

  • Highland Culture in Turkey

    In Turkey the highland villages are important and people go there for a variety of reasons. The nomadic clans living in the southeastern and eastern Anatolia rent the highland pastures to graze their flocks and herds. Herders living in the Mediterranean, Central Anatolia and Black Sea regions use the highlands as pasture, and as haying areas for collection of winter fodder. In the summer they sometimes go up to these pastures to escape the heat.

    People living in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions chose the highlands because it allows them to escape the sweltering summer heat, the mosquitoes and other pests.It is also a wonderful natural retreat to a clean healthy environment. A new movement has sprung up centered around providing lodging and other basic needs for these highland visitors. The chance to experience the traditional highland culture and its pristine environment has drawn many people and new kind of ‘Highland tourism’ has enabled many of them to participate in this fascinating way of life.

  • The Highlands of the Black Sea Region

    With their mountain meadows adorned with colorful wildflowers, the highlands of the Black Sea are characterized by their spruce forests. The verdant appearance and lush green slopes of the Black Sea coasts are due not only to the abundant rainfall but also to the humid and foggy weather. The humidity and the foggy weather gives way to a brilliant sunshine and oxygen rich fresh mountain air as one ascends from the coastal areas high up to the mountains.

    Up here in the Black Sea highlands the mountains are covered with trees like fir, spruce, Scotch pine, cedar, beech, oak, linden, elm, hornbeam, alder and wild hazelnut as well as flowers like snowdrops, wild azalea, forest rose and countless other wildflowers. The Black Sea highlands are found in the provinces of Sinop, Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Rize, Artvin, Gumushane and Bayburt.

  • The Highlands of Turkey

    The highlands of Turkey and the lifestyle of its people have an important place in the rich cultural landscape of Turkey. The tradition embodied in the lyrics of this ancient folk song, “The people of Avsar picked up and headed for new lands” have still being sung today, is what led to the settlement of hundreds of new areas in Turkey.

    In the Chinese Chronicles, Turks are described as people that “lived by following the rains and the pastures with their horses and high-wheeled wagons.” After they came to Anatolia and abandoned their nomadic wanderings for more settled ways, they embarked on a new journey continuing old traditions within the parameters of a new lifestyle.

    In this new millennium of the “global village” where cultural differences seem to be disappearing, the highlands of Turkey offer a refreshing authenticity of ancient tradition which is noticed as soon as it is experienced. Compared with our modern way of life, it is a vivacious way of life in harmony with nature, at once both oriental and exotic.

    The highlands have much to offer; the fresh clean air of an undefiled environment, crystal clear streams, a refreshing coolness that is a relief from the sweltering heat during the hottest summer days, views of enchanting beauty, fruit and vegetables grown without hormones and ripen on the vine slowly and naturally, milk and meat products of animals pastured in the most natural environments. The innumerable wild animal and plant species living in their natural habitat rescue us from the virtual world of TV documentaries and enable us to experience real life up close and personal.

    Most Popular Highlands in Turkey

    Trabzon Highlands | Sinop Highlands | Rize Highlands | Osmaniye Highlands | Ordu Highlands | Mersin (Icel) Highlands | Hatay Highlands | Gumushane Highlands | Giresun Highlands | Gaziantep Highlands | Bayburt Highlands | Artvin Highlands | Antalya Highlands | Adana Highlands