Category: Superstitions

Superstitions in Turkey

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to Belongings

    – If a shoe turns upside down, it is believed that bad health will result.
    – Soap is not passed to somebody else by hand, since it is believed that these two people will end up arguing. The back of the hand is used when passing the soap.
    – After eating, the spoon is left with the bowl facing upwards. Any other position results in bad luck.
    – If anyone drinks water out of a lid he will have bad fortune.

  • That is the Little Magic Stone that protects one from the *Evil Eye*

    That is the Little Magic Stone that protects one from the *Evil Eye*

    This is a typical item, a specialty of this region you should take home as a souvenir, it’s called the Boncuk, the Little Magic Stone that protects one from the *Evil Eye* (pronounced ‘bon-dschuk’), you will see this blue glass piece everywhere here on the Aegean Coast.

    But what is behind this superstition? In a shortened version we will try to explain. Once upon a time (yes, it starts like in a fairy tale) there was a rock by the sea which, even with the force of a hundred men and a lot of dynamite, couldn’t be moved or cracked. And there was also a man in this town by the sea, who was known to carry the evil eye (Nazar).

    After much effort and endeavor, the town people brought the man to the rock, and the man, upon looking at the rock said, “My! What a big rock this is.” The instant he said this, there was a rip and roar and crack and instantly the immense and impossible rock was found to be cracked in two.

    The force of the evil eye (or Nazar) is a widely accepted and feared random element in Turkish daily life. The word *Nazar* denotes seeing or looking and is often used in literally translated phrases such as “Nazar touched her”, in reference to a young woman, for example, who mysteriously goes blind.

    Another typical scenario. A woman gives birth to a healthy child with pink cheeks, all the neighbors come and see the baby. They shower the baby with compliments, commentating especially on how healthy and chubby the baby is. After getting so much attention weeks later the baby is found dead in his crib. No explanation can be found for the death. It is ascribed to Nazar. Compliments made to a specific body part can result in Nazar.

    That’s why nearly every Turkish mother fixes with a safety pin a small Boncuk on the child’s clothes. Once a Boncuk is found cracked, it means it has done his job and immediately a new one has to replace it.

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to Spirits, Graveyards, Holy Tombs and Visits

    – Anyone who cuts down trees near visiting places will be paralyzed.
    – Anyone who takes anything from a holy tomb will be paralyzed.
    – It is not good to point out the grave. The fingers of anyone who does so will grow weak and thin.
    – If an animal puts out its tongue when being sacrificed, it is believed that the owner of the animal will die within the year.
    – If a child constantly cries, it is believed that someone will die in that house.
    -When a bunch of flowers is placed on a grave, the spirit of that person returns. He knocks his head on the wood when trying to get up and says, “My God, I am dead”.
    – The flesh and the bones separate 40-52 days after death. People gather in the dead person’s house and pray together for the flesh and the bones to separate easily.
    – The spirit of the dead person visits his house seven days following death.
    – If a show turns upside down when being taken off, it is believed that the owner of the shoe will die in the near future.
    – Seeing dead people in dreams is regarded as an omen for the living. It is believed that a guest will come if a dead person is seen in a dream.
    – It is not good to put one’s socks near the head end of the bed, it is believed that the owner of those socks will soon pass away.
    – Bringing a dead body inside a house is considered unlucky. If that happens, it is believed that three people from that house will die.
    – Painting is considered a sin, it is believed that on doomsday the painter will have to give his spirit to the things he painted.
    – Angels will fly away from places that house paintings.
    – Trees in graveyards may not be cut down, it is believed that genies live among such trees.
    – It is forbidden to sleep in a graveyard.
    – If someone dies at night, a knife is placed on the body until morning.
    – In order to make sweet yogurt, bushes from a grave are picked and thrown in the fire over which the milk is heated.
    – It is considered bad luck to break a mirror.
    – The lights are not turned off for three days in a house in which a dead body has been washed.
    – The shoes of people who come to offer their condolences are not turned around.
    – It is believed that, if the gravedigger is not given a tip the deas will not rest easy.
    – One may not sit cross-legged when the call to prayer is recited.
    – It is forbidden to take stones or soil from graveyards.
    – The howling of a dog is considered a sign of approaching death.
    – The house is not cleaned, clothes are not washed and water is not taken from outside until the dead person has been buried.
    – Graveyards are never enlarged, since it is believed that this will increase the number of dead people.
    – Those who wear dead peoples’ clothes will live a long time.
    – The shroud may not be cut with knife or scissors.
    – If a cat jumps over a dead body before it is taken out of the house, it is believed that the body will become a fearsome ghost.
    – If an animal walks in front of someone who is performing ritual prayers in a house, the prayer is invalidated.
    – While performing ritual prayers in rural areas, stones or sticks are piled up to prevent animals approaching.
    – Smoking is not permitted in graveyards.
    – If someone becomes infested with lice, it is believed that he will die soon.
    – The neighbors of a dead person pour all the water out of their houses, since it is believed that they will die if they do not.
    – Beds are repaired starting from the head end. Only the beds of dead people are repaired starting from the foot end.

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to Animals

    – A snake in a house, guards it.
    – If a snake is killed, thrown in water and disappears, it is believed that there will be continuous rain and floods.
    – When a wolf howls, the weather will be very cold, or there will be snow.
    – If an owl hoots in front of a house, either a member of the house will or there will be a disaster in that house.
    – When a cow gives birth, heavy things are not carried into the house, since it is believed that if heavy things are carried in, the cow will not have enough milk.
    – When a cow gives birth, its first milk is not taken outside the house for fear the cow will lose its all milk. Coal is mixed with the first milk of animal.
    – It is not good to milk an animal onto the soil, or the animal may fall ill.
    – If a stranger walks among a herd on its way to the high plateaus, it is believed that the animals will not become pregnant that year.
    – A black cat passing in front of a person and the hooting of an owl are both considered bad luck. A burning wooden stick has to be thrown at the owl.
    – If a person comes across a rabbit on his path, he may have bad luck. He should turn around and walk back by the same road he came.
    – The howling of a jackal is considered bad luck. The man who hears it must spit on the ground; otherwise he may face a disaster.
    – When a jackal starts to howl, it is a sign of sunny weather. (According to another belief, it is a sign of rain)
    – If a person steps on a cat by mistake before entering his wedding chamber, he will not succeed in his duties.
    – If a snake is thrown into the fire alive, it will rain.
    -If a crow comes near a house and caws, that house will receive news from abroad.
    – It is good to see scorpions in one’s dreams.
    – Sleeping in the same room as a cat is considered bad. The cat will steal the person’s soul and shortens his life.
    – When a crow caws, snow is on the way.
    – Dogs barking late at night, a cock crowing at an unexpected time and the bellowing of an ox in the night are all considered signs of bad things to come. (Such as an enemy attack, earthquake, catastrophe etc)
    – If a dog looks at the sky and barks, it is a sign of blood.
    – It is sin to kill a pigeon, dove, martin or stork.
    – Lambs are not shown to foreigners unless they buy them.
    – The flesh of hunted animals is not given to others. If it is given, coins have to be taken in return.
    – Seeing a snake is considered good luck.
    – Seeing a partridge is considered bad luck.
    – When the cock crows, it will rain.
    – If an owl lands on a house, it is believed that the house will have bad luck.
    – A chicken crowing like a cock is a sign of bad luck. That chicken must be killed immediately.
    – Cats never fall on their back because one was touched by Ali.
    – The bones of a sacrificed animal may not be broken. – The blood and the bones of a sacrificed animal must be buried.

  • Popular Beliefs in Turkey Related to the Stove and Fire

    – Spitting on fire, cursing or throwing water and nails on it will bring bad luck.
    – If someone gives fire from his stove to somebody else in the morning, it is believed that his own stove will go out.
    – Genies cannot avoid places where a fire is burning.
    – Leaving the stove empty will bring bad luck.
    – If a trivet falls down suddenly for no reason, that house will suffer a catastrophe.
    – If a trivet is left empty, it is believed that the devil will use it for cooking.
    – If a trivet is left empty, the water for a dead person will soon be boiled on that trivet.
    – If water boils on the trivet for no reason, it means one’s enemies are increasing.
    – Fire is not taken out of the house in the evening.
    – If there is not enough light in the house, the stove will go out. The grave of the householder will also be dark.
    – If sick animals jump over the fire, they may recover.
    – Water is not used to die down the fire, it is covered with soil.
    – Even if the fire went out long ago, it is not good to sleep near the ashes. People believe that the devil and genies romp in the ashes.
    – Throwing water or urinating on the ashes are not considered good.
    – To stop it raining, a trivet with a knife on the middle is put in the garden.
    – It is a sin to sleep near a stove which has gone out.
    – One cannot walk on or jump over ashes at night, since it is believed that the devil will comes.
    – If the fire makes too much noise, it is a sign that there is gossip about the person who lit the fire.
    Popular Beliefs Related to Agriculture and Plants:
    – If someone falls from an elm tree, he won’t live long. – Elm wood must not be used for cradles or chests.
    – The devil will take away anyone who sleeps under a fig tree.
    – People living under walnut trees are taken away by the devil.
    – Having sexual intercourse in the fields damages their fertility.
    – Anyone who eats a single grape or the stem side of a melon will be orphaned.
    – The olive is regarded as sacred.
    – Sleeping alone under a large, old tree is not good for the future.
    – It is not permitted to have sexual intercourse or urinate in a field full of crops.
    – Walking in fields where crops are being harvested reduces the yield.
    – Anyone who goes to the fields for harvesting has to take a bath and perform a ritual ablution for good luck first.
    – Anyone who lies under the shade of a walnut tree becomes unsuccessful and incompetent. It is thought that everything that happens around it is recorded by the walnut tree, and when it is cut down all secrets comes to light from the middle of the tree.
    – If the clothes of a baby are hung on a wild tree, the baby will become wild, too.
    – It is a sin to spill the seeds of the pomegranate because the pomegranate is regarded as the fruit of heaven.
    – When taking milk or yogurt out of the house, coal or a green leaf is put on top, otherwise it is believed that the cow will become paralyzed.
    – Anyone who sits or lies under a mulberry tree will be paralyzed by a demon.
    – If dough leaps out of the pot while being kneaded, a visitor will come.
    – Any house which has many water vessels will see many deaths.
    – Death rarely comes to a house which is full of wheat.
    – Anyone who sleeps by the edge of a field will be paralyzed.
    – Anyone who sleeps under an olive tree will be overcome by sleepiness.
    – Anyone who sleeps under a fig tree will be overcome by sleepiness.