Category: Work

  • Working Hours in Turkey

    Government Offices
    Monday-Friday (8:30-12:30), (13:30-17:30)
    Saturday-Sunday (closed)

    Monday-Friday (8:30-12-00), (13:30-17:00)
    Saturday-Sunday (closed)

    Monday-Saturday (9:30-13:00), (14:00-19:00)
    Sunday (closed)
    Istanbul Covered market: Monday-Saturday (8:00-19:00)
    Sunday (closed)

    During summer months, the government offices and many other establishments in the Aegean and Mediterranean Regions are closed in the afternoon. These fixed summer hours are determined by the governing bodies of the provinces.

  • Those Who Want to Work in Turkey


    Foreigners who want to reside for a long time or be employed in Turkey are supposed to apply to our foreign representatives and require a due visa for longer stays or employment.Those who apply for employment are to submit the copy of the written permission on their application. The required document enabling the residance of foreigners is “Residence Permit For Foreigners”. In relation to the document taken from the Provincial Security Directorate, Division of Foreigners, detailed information will be acquired from the Police Headquarter of the province of residence.

    Application Address: Icisleri Bakanligi Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu Yabancilar Daire Baskanligi Ilkadim Caddesi No:89 Dikmen – Ankara

    Residence and Work Permission Office
    For further information;