Travel Afyonkarahisar City, Turkey

taslidere afyonkarahisar turkey

Afyonkarahisar An inaccessible and imposing citadel dating to Byzantine times overlooks this provincial city. The Archaeological Museum and the War of Independence Memorial reveal Afyon’s place in history. Monumental bas-reliefs, a legacy of the Phrygian Kingdom, are carved into rock faces on hills north of the city.

Aslantas is the largest. At Aslankaya, lion reliefs are engraved into the sides of the rock. The Acik Hava Müzesi (Open-Air Museum) is near the north entrance of the town of Dinar, 100 km south of Afyon. This is the site of the legendary music contest between Apollo and Manyas (Pan). Byzantine and Roman gravestones, inscriptions and statues can be seen here.

Afyonkarahisar province is divided into 18 districts; Afyonkarahisar, Basmakci, Bayat, Bolvadin, Cay, Cobanlar, Dazkiri, Dinar, Emirdag, Evciler, Hocalar, Ihsaniye, Iscehisar, Kiziloren, Sandikli, Sinanpasa, Sultandagi, Suhut