Travel Foca Town, Izmir, Turkey

foca izmir turkiye

Foca is 70 km. away from north east of İzmir, is one of the most important centers amongst the 12 Ion cities, established at Aegean coasts by Ions. Foca, besides its historical and archeological importance, is a mythological settlement whose name is mentioned in Homeros epic.

One of the most important centers, established by Ions, who have established numerous settlements there, including Smyrna, and who are escaped from Dor invasion of Greece, is Foca. Antic Foca city, included by 12 Ion union, is at the Aiolis region. Foca, who took Antic city Phokaia name from “seals”, was an important harbor and had an important naval forces at their era. Foca, had established colonies in cities at eastern costs of Marsala and Spain, Velia near Pastum and Alain of Corsica with its naval fleet. Foca had lived Persia, Alexander the Great, Genevians and Ottoman eras.

Phokaia city, which had entered into development period, beginning from 7th century B. C., had shown great improvement in sailing according to “Father of History”, Heredot. Phokaians, who were using fast ships with 50 shovels and 500 passenger transportation power, were the first Helens who go for long sea voyage. They have introduced Adriatic Etruria, İberia and Tartessos to Helen world.

Totally Mediterranean climate is reigning in Foca. It passes as hot and dry during summers and warm and rainy during winters. It takes a windy sea weather from three sides. Average temperature of summer months is 26 degrees, and its sea water temperature is 22 degrees. Hottest months of summer are July and August.