Travel Zeytinbagi Trilye, Mudanya, Bursa

zeytinbagi trilye mudanya

Zeytinbağı [Tirilye] is a quarter within the municipality and district of Mudanya in Bursa Province, Turkey. The population stands at 1,409 (2022). Following the 2013 reorganisation of Turkish local government, its town (belde) status and municipality (belediye) were eliminated, and it was designated as a neighbourhood (mahalle). It is located 12 km west of Mudanya by the Marmara coastline. The region, which has been populated since the eighth century BC, was previously called Trigleia, Brylleion in Greek. The most significant historical site in Tirilye (Triglia) is the Byzantine Haghios Stefanos Church (Hinolakkos Monastery, 780 AD), which is currently referred to as the Fatih Mosque. Mudanya, a commercial and residential area in this township, is safeguarded by the state as a historical location. Tirilye served as a significant religious hub for Greek Orthodox Christians during the Byzantine Empire. Only ruins are left of most churches and monasteries. Tirilye has been a first-level protected zone since 1981 (decision of the High Council of Monuments 12588/13.3.1981) due to its Byzantine and Ottoman architectural landmarks and is regarded as an open-air museum because of its historical structures and homes. At present, only 1,400 individuals reside in the town as a result of the 1923 population exchange between Turkey and Greece. Greek homes were constructed in the late 18th and 19th centuries before the population exchange occurred between Greece and Turkey. Currently, the town is safeguarded by the Ministry of Culture, which implies that historic buildings cannot be demolished or reconstructed in a style different from the original. This location is recognized for its olives and has traditionally been populated by Greek craftsmen involved in the silk industry.

Zeytinbagi lies on the southern shore of the Marmara Sea, 40 kilometres from Bursa and 12 kilometres from Mudanya. Zeytinbagi exemplifies the architecture and layout of a typical Turkish town.