Travel Mersin City, Turkey

mersin turkey

Surrounded by densely cultivated fruit and vegetable gardens, Mersin lies midway on the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Its shady, palm lined avenues, city parks and modern hotels create a pleasant ambience from which to visit the nearby historical sites and numerous beaches. Mersin is a rapidly developing city and the largest free zone area on the Turkish Mediterranean. Despite its very modern appearance, the city occupies the site of an extremely ancient city At the Yumuktepe tumulus, 3 kilometres west of the town, excavations have unearthed several successive settlements dating back to the Neolithic Age.

The modern hotels in and around Mersin are well equipped to host national and international meetings. Mersin is close to the important commercial cities of Adana and Tarsus and well situated for excursions to the Taurus Mountains, the eastern Mediterranean coast and Antakya, ancient Antioch. The sunny climate and mild temperatures make it a pleasant venue for meetings all year round.

Main events in Mersin
September/October: International Mersin Festival and Fair.

Major Sights Places To See Things To Do in Mersin
Yumuktepe, Adana, Tarsus (Cleopatra Gate), Viransehir (Pompeipolis), Silifke, Kanlidivane (Kanytelis), Kizkalesi (Korykos), Cennet, Cehennem and Narlikuyu Caves, Uzuncaburc (Diocaesarea).

Tours and Excursions in Mersin
Adana. Archaeology Museum, Seyhan Dam Lake, Historical Bridge (Tarsus). Cleopatra Gate, St. Paul Cistern, old houses, Tarsus Waterfall ( Mersin). Pompeipolis, Kanytelis, Korykos, Narlikuyu, Silifke, Uzuncaburc (Diocaesarea), Meryemlik, Tasucu, Antakya. Mosaic Museum, St. Peter’s Grotto.

Air: Adana Airport, 69 km from Mersin.
Road: Direct bus connections from all the main cities.
Rail: Connections from Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.
Sea: Car ferries to and from Gazimagosa (Famagusta North Cyprus), Port-of-call for Mediterranean cruises.

Districts: Icel (center), Anamur, Aydincik, Bozyazi, Camliyayla, Erdemli, Gulnar, Mut, Silifke, Tarsus.