With their mountain meadows adorned with colorful wildflowers, the highlands of the Black Sea are characterized by their spruce forests. The verdant appearance and lush green slopes of the Black Sea coasts are due not only to the abundant rainfall but also to the humid and foggy weather. The humidity and the foggy weather gives way to a brilliant sunshine and oxygen rich fresh mountain air as one ascends from the coastal areas high up to the mountains.
Up here in the Black Sea highlands the mountains are covered with trees like fir, spruce, Scotch pine, cedar, beech, oak, linden, elm, hornbeam, alder and wild hazelnut as well as flowers like snowdrops, wild azalea, forest rose and countless other wildflowers. The Black Sea highlands are found in the provinces of Sinop, Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Rize, Artvin, Gumushane and Bayburt.
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