Blue cruise holiday on the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts of Turkey on a private Gulet Yacht

gulet cruises turkey

Blue voyagers are the title for exceptional sculling occasions through the profound blue waters of Turkey’s Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, but in this issue we chosen to require our perusers on a distinctive kind of blue voyage. The blue voyage is like a dream, they say, and so, since dreams have no limits, we are going on a blue voyage through the skies. As in the event that we were a bird, a seagull maybe, we are going take wing and fly from the Oludeniz Tidal pond to Alanya. From the sky we’ll see that ponder of nature, Oludeniz Tidal pond, the city of Patara, the ancient city of Side, and an antiquated city that’s still living nowadays, Alanya. Since usually a dream, we are able fly wherever the fancy takes us; white clouds by our side and blue ocean underneath us. Turquoise may be a colour difficult to depict; not very blue and not very green; an puzzling mix of the two colours. That’s the colour of oludeniz Blue Tidal pond, which at each hour of the day could be a diverse shade of turquoise.

This tidal pond has been the subject of legends from relic to the display day, but who cares around legend? Blue Tidal pond could be a legend in itself. Taking off Oludeniz to its legends, we set out from Xanthos to Kalkan, and arrive at Patara, established by Patarus, the child of the god Apollo and the sprite Lycia. Patara could be a fabulous Lycian city, half buried in sand and half within the ocean, lying on a shoreline which is the longest within the Mediterranean and has the finest sand.

In case the ocean were not unmistakable, you might imagine yourself to be in one of Africa’s extraordinary deserts. At Kaputas the blue ocean extends its green head into a cave within the rocks. Its sand is golden yellow. Interior the cave the ocean is fluorescent, the light reflecting underneath the surface of the water making a heap colours. The depressed city submerged within the water off Kekova Island has for centuries been domestic to angle. Adjacent are the remains of the antiquated shipyard, and extending towards the terrain past is the Inlet of Kekova.

Liquefied snow from the crests of the Toros mountains and water from springs and streams are carried down to the ocean over rapids and waterfalls by the Manavgat Waterway. The new water surges endlessly to meet the salt water of the ocean at a put called Titreyengol. Side (articulated see-day) is an old word meaning pomegranate. The remains of the old city and the advanced resort of Side are here captured by the camera.

Maybe this can be how the seagulls have seen it for thousands of a long time, wheeling within the skies. Whereas most of its landmarks are stones lying on the ground, the theater stands in all its unique wonderfulness. Did the arrive try to be ocean and reach out towards the far off skyline, or did the ocean long to be arrive and grasp it so intensely? In Alanya it is inconceivable to tell. So presently you see from ocean to arrive and from the castle to the ocean, and attempt to choose. Ancient Alanya was a minor walled ridge town, but presently it has extended right along the shore and up to the foothills of the mountains behind.


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