Sarikamis Ski Resort, Turkey

sarikamis ski center

Sarikamis ski center is located near Sarikamis, 60 km, from Kars in Eastern Turkey The nearest airport is 50 km away. The duration of the skiing sea son is 120 days a year. The altitude in the skiing area of Sarikamis is 2200 2634 m and covered by pine forest. The most suitable skiing conditions are between 20 December and 20 March. The average snowfall is 1.5 m in normal winter conditions. Sarikamis and the surrounding area have suitable conditions for Alpine skiing, ski touring and cross country skiing.

This center is equipped with 2 chairlifts and I T bar. Qualified skiing instructors and equipment for hire are avail- able. The center has first aid facilities and medical facilities. The slopes and mechanical equipment are under surveillance of experts. Accommodations can be booked directly.

In the Eastern Anatolia Region and 55km southwest of Kars, the Sarikamis Ski Resort is on the Camurlu mountain at an altitude of 2634m, and is renowned for its good quality of snow. The Cibiltepe, with an altitude of 2500m, is an area of wonderful natural beauty and has five ski runs, the longest of which is 12 km long. It is covered with crystallised snow and therefore is very challenging.

Arrival: Sarikamis Ski Resort is 60km south-west of the centre of Kars, and 50km from the airport. It is also accessible from Erzurum airport, southwest. There are direct buses to the ski resort from Kars airport (40 mins) and Erzurum airport (90 mins). From the centre of Kars, there are no public vehicles.

Geography: The skiing area is between the altitudes of 2100 – 2634m, within the pine forests. There is an average depth of 1.5m and is quite typical of Alpine conditions, and the best ski season is between 20 December – 20 March. It has a terrestrial climate, with a dominant south-westerly wind direction.

Facilities: There are two government guest-houses, and other private accommodation. Ski instructors and equipment is available for rent, and there is first aid, security and health services available, more hotels and hospital in the Sarikamis area. There is a military zone which can be used for helicopter landings. There are two chairlifts and one T-bar, plus two 4-seater T-bars.


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