General: Those who wish to enter the country with their vans, minibuses, automobiles, station wagons, bicycles, motorcycles, motorbikes, sidecars, buses, motor coaches, trailers, caravans or other transport vehicles, will have to provide the following documentations:
– Passport.
– International driving license.
– Car license (document where all details related to the car and the owner’s name are registered). If it is somebody else’s vehicle a power of attorney should be provided.
– International green card (Insurance card). The TR sign should be visible.
– Transit book “Carnet de passage” (for those who want to proceed to the Middle East).
Period: The vehicle can be brought into Turkey for up to 6 Months. The owner should declare on the opposite form, the date of departure at the border gate and should absolutely ve the country at the date declared. If for any important reason the staying period has to be ended, it is necessary to apply to;
The Turkish Touring and Automobile Club (Turkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu)
Address: 1. Sanayi Sitesi Yani, 4.Levent, Istanbul
Phone + 90 (212) 282 81 40 (7 lines).
or to
The General Directorate of Customs (Gumrukler Genel Mudurlugu)
Ulus Ankara
Phone + 90 (312) 310 38 80, 310 38 18
Fax + 90 (312) 311 13 46, before the end of the period declared.
In Case of Accident: The accident should be reported to the police or gendarme. That report has to be certified by the nearest local authority. The owner should apply to the customs authority with his passport and report.
If the vehicle can be repaired, it is necessary to inform the customs authority first and take the vehicle to a garage. If the vehicle is not repairable and if the owner wishes to leave the country without his vehicle, he has to deliver it to the nearest customs office, and the registration of his vehicle on his passport will be cancelled. (Only after the cancellation can the owner of the vehicle leave the country.)
Following an accident, you can telephone:
– Trafik Polisi (Traffic Police), Phone: 154,
– Jandarma (Gendarme), Phone: 156.
For more information, contact the Touring and Automobile Association of Turkey.
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